If you or a loved one have been involved in an accident, you may have a personal injury claim. Please take a moment to complete the following form and we will contact you in a timely manner. We look forward to our professional relationship.
By Clicking On This Form You Agree To The Terms of Use.
Robert E. Gluck makes every effort to provide relevant general legal information in response to inquiries.
Robert E. Gluck requires a written representation agreement before an attorney-client relationship is created and before the firm represents you.
By using this form, you agree that you will not disclose any confidential information or seek to disqualify Robert E. Gluck in the event that the firm represents an adverse party. All deadlines, including notice and filing deadlines remain your responsibility until and unless the firm has entered a representation agreement with you.
Use of this form does NOT create an attorney-client relationship. The facts and circumstances of each case are unique and therefore the fact that a law firm has obtained significant verdicts and results in other cases in no way guarantees that other cases will have similar results.